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Data Engineering Mastery

Data Engineering Mastery

Data Engineering Mastery

Data Engineer Apprenticeship - L5

Next course starts: 11th Nov, 2024

Master the Art of Cyber Defence with Real-World, Gamified Learning Experiences

Embark on a journey to master the crucial aspects of data engineering with our Level 5 Data Engineer Apprenticeship. Designed to equip you with the skills needed to build, manage, and optimise data systems, this program ensures data is accessible, valid, and efficiently used to drive business success. Master everything from Python to advanced data engineering techniques and emerge ready to meet the challenges of tomorrow's tech-driven landscapes.

  1. Comprehensive curriculum covering the latest in data engineering.
  2. Modular learning tailored to fill skill gaps and meet business needs.
  3. Hands-on experience with cutting-edge tools and technologies.

Trusted by the most innovative teams

Our short course graduates go on to get jobs at some of the top firms in the country - like these!

We place bootcamp graduates with Sky! We place bootcamp graduates with BJSS Graduate Scheme! We place bootcamp graduates with Mastek! We place bootcamp graduates with Wolseley! We place bootcamp graduates with Creode!

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Week Commencing

11th Nov, 2024

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Course Content

Data Engineering Mastery

Who Is This For

This apprenticeship is perfect for IT professionals aiming to specialise in data engineering, including those currently in roles such as software developers, system analysts, or IT technicians who wish to advance their career into specialised data roles.

What You Will Get
  • Advanced Technical Skills: From Python programming and SQL to DevOps and containerization, gain hands-on experience with the tools that define modern data architecture.
  • Strategic Business Impact: Learn to design data systems that enhance decision-making and operational efficiency within any organisation.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation: Stay ahead of emerging trends and technologies in the rapidly evolving field of data engineering.

Course Outline
  • Python for Data Engineering: Harness the power of Python for robust data manipulation and process automation.
  • Data Modelling and Databases: Deep dive into SQL, NoSQL, and modern database management.
  • Data Pipelines and Automation: Learn to build seamless data workflows that support business continuity and analytics.
  • Emerging Trends and Technologies: Stay updated with the latest advancements in the data engineering sphere.
Course Breakdown
  1. Python Programming for Data Manipulation
  2. Foundations of Data Engineering
  3. Database Management with SQL and NoSQL
  4. Techniques in Data Modeling
  5. DevOps Practices and Container Technologies
  6. Data Integrity, Governance, and Ethical Standards
  7. Automating Data Workflows
  8. Designing Data-Driven Products
  9. Implementing Data Solutions
  10. Innovative Data Engineering Methods
  11. Current and Future Data Technologies

Our apprenticeship allows learners to balance their professional and learning commitments. The programme includes monthly Industry Insight sessions, real-world projects, and continuous updates to ensure the relevance and applicability of skills.The recommended course duration is 24 months but most of our apprentices complete their training in 14 months.

Before you start our team will help you complete a skills gap analysis and a review of core training. This will help us to agree on the correct course length for you and also set up your unique learning plan.

The course consists of the core curriculum above which is delivered mainly in half day remote sessions. On top of this you will also be working to a specific and personal learning plan co created with team members from your employer - this will ensure that you are learning the languages, systems and frameworks that matter to you and your team.


You will be appointed a technical coach with real industry experience for information, advice and guidance throughout your apprenticeship journey.


As part of our apprenticeship, you will engage in collaborative learning experiences that mirror real-world challenges. Working alongside other apprentices and seasoned professionals, you will participate in group scenarios that not only enhance your technical skills but also improve your teamwork and problem-solving abilities. Our specialised workshops cover a wide range of topics and are constantly updated to reflect the latest industry practices and innovations. This dynamic environment fosters a deep understanding of your field through practical application and peer learning.

Field Trips

We also run field trips to meetups, camps, conferences and other industry events to help broaden your horizons and extend your professional network.

Pre Requisites

We believe that talent and potential should define your journey, not just your academic history. Unlike many other training providers, we do not set specific academic qualifications as a barrier to entry for our apprenticeship program. Our focus is on your aptitude, enthusiasm, and the potential you bring to the table.

Our application process is designed to recognise and nurture these qualities, ensuring that every candidate is evaluated on a level playing field, regardless of their academic background. We understand that traditional educational achievements are not the only measure of capability and are committed to providing an inclusive and supportive learning environment.

Next course starts: 11th Nov, 2024

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Who trains this course?

All out technical and vocational courses are devised, reviewed and delivered by prominent industry professionals, many of them are experts in their fields

Justin Heath

Full Stack JS at Humans Not Robots

What learners say about this course

Success Stories

The Coders Guild are adept at putting together course content that’s relevant to business in today’s market, with practical tools & skills that can be implemented from day one, adding value to both your company & your continual professional development. The interactive sessions are led by industry experts, bringing the subject matter to life & allowing all course members to engage & share their experiences, which enhances the learning environment.

Liz Leith

Service Design & Delivery Manager, Innserve

Success Stories

The Coders Guild played a pivotal role in boosting my confidence and rejuvenating my expertise in the realm of web development. They also introduced me to the latest technologies in the field. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the entire team of instructors and coordinators. Moreover, I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone with an interest in the subject matter.

Ernest Wickrema

Engineer - Yorkshire Building Society

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