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Yorkshire is the Driving Force Behind the Future of the UK Tech Industry

3 mins read time

By Crispin Read

Looking for your next tech superstar? Hire an expertly-trained apprentice to add today’s most valuable, in-demand digital and professional skills to your team.

Yorkshire has been chosen as the base for an exciting project to make tech education more accessible, create career opportunities for people from under-represented groups, and close the digital skills gap for local businesses.

Since the start of this year, we’ve been providing comprehensive digital skills training to 135 talented people from the local area. Over 50% of those learners are female, and a large contingent come from the BAME community, with an emphasis on using this project to promote greater diversity and equality within the local tech industry.

Course participants have been trained by experienced professionals in digital skills such as web and app development, UX, and software testing, as well as things like project management and real-world problem solving.

Now they’re ready to start work.

If you take advantage of this unique opportunity to hire one of these course graduates as an apprentice, not only will you add an extremely valuable new member to your team, you’ll also gain a range of additional benefits, including:

  • Up to £4,000 government funding per apprentice
  • Competitive differentiation
  • Free industry-led training
  • Support through the hiring process
  • No recruitment fees!

Join us in unlocking the full potential of the local community and help Yorkshire continue to drive the UK tech industry into the future.

The Coders Guild trained our first apprentice from 2018 to summer 2020. He’s now a full-time member of our in-house dev team, and has been a huge success. We’re now recruiting for our next apprentice, with all training to be provided by The Coders Guild. From start to finish, The Coders Guild has given us first-class service and personalised developer training, providing us with the exact skills we needed.

Jim Semlyen, Owner and MD of Castlegate IT

We're extremely proud to have been chosen for this important project, as one of a select few providers, by West Yorkshire Combined Authority and the Department for Education.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or would like some more information about this opportunity to hire a talented new apprentice.

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