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Running for a Cause: The Coders Guild’s Impact at the Ilkley Half Marathon

5 mins read time

By Francesca French

Recently, members of The Coders Guild participated in a training run for the upcoming Ilkley Half Marathon, a prominent charity event supporting Little Lives UK, a cause dedicated to empowering children through technology. This blog post by Frankie highlights our experiences, the preparations involved, and the profound impact these events have on community engagement and charity.

Preparing for the Run

As we geared up for the training run, the focus was not only on physical preparation but also on understanding the broader impact of our participation. Running together for the first time, it brought the main goal to our minds but also fostering a sense of camaraderie. shared purpose and team spirit.

The Day of the Training Run

The training run was a snapshot of what to expect during the actual event. Covering a route down Leeds Canal, it allowed our team to test pace and take advice and support from each other, tackle hills and sprints and further bond over our shared mission of supporting Little Lives UK.

Why It Matters

Participating in the Ilkley Half Marathon is more than just a physical challenge; it’s about making a tangible difference in the lives of children through technology. Each step we took during the training run symbolised our commitment to combining our passions for fitness and philanthropy.

The Impact of Our Involvement

By engaging in such events, The Coders Guild not only promotes the importance of physical well-being but also highlights how technology can be a force for good. The funds raised and awareness generated contribute directly to providing technological resources and education for children in need.

Looking Forward

The actual Ilkley Half Marathon promises to be an event of significant community and charitable impact. We invite everyone to join us in this cause, whether by running, supporting, or donating, to help empower more children through technology.


The actual Ilkley Half Marathon promises to be an event of significant community and charitable impact. We invite everyone to join us in this cause, whether by running, supporting, or donating, to help empower more children through technology.

Join us on July 14th, share this on social media, get in touch with one of the team about running with us, or make a donation here to help empower more children through technology!

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