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Add a junior tester to your team - Super Fast ROI *plus* Gov incentives

2 mins read time

By Crispin Read

Thanks to the success of our industry led Software Testing bootcamp courses, we are thrilled to announce that we are launching a new Software Testing Apprenticeship. We are looking for forward thinking employers to join us in developing the emerging talent our sector needs. Read on to find out how your business can benefit from adding a trained tester to your team as well as benefiting from up to £3k in government grants for teams who take on apprentices before 30th September.

Industry Led, Community Driven

The course has been developed to meet industry needs whilst addressing social issues such as improving diversity and solving the digital skills shortage. This is our MO.

The course content has been developed by highly regarded Software Testing professionals taking insight and direction from employers and team leaders on the exact knowledge and skills they need now. This brand new apprenticeship will be delivered by the same incredible trainers who taught in our Digital Skills Bootcamp Courses, with a real focus on super fast ROI developing skills that bring immediate benefit and efficiency to technical teams.

We fully recognise the value of core skills such as collaboration, problem-solving, communication, time management, best practices and teamwork. These core skills form the backbone of the curriculum as learners improve their skills and technical knowledge around software testing tools and technique.

Super Fast ROI

For this pilot cohort, we are only taking only graduates from the software testing skills bootcamp. From well over 250 applications for the Software Testing Bootcamps we only selected the top 12% to train. Of these candidates 24 people completed the bootcamp and are now looking for work in West Yorkshire. What this means for your business is that every candidate on offer has already undergone a thorough vetting and selection process, showing exactly the sort of aptitude and enthusiasm you would expect from top rated applicants for junior positions. In addition, they all have received 8 weeks of training in key vocational skills before they even come for an interview. In addition: they can benefit from a fast tracked apprenticeship programme and could graduate in as little as 15 months.

If you are a company or business looking to adopt new, fresh talent and are looking for a well trained Software Testing Apprentice to join your team, then get in touch using the form below.

Ready to combat the digital skills shortage and strengthen your team at the same time?

Get in touch with us today to find out why hiring a Software Testing Apprentice could be the best decision for your business!

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